CRPD: The Disabled Newborn Registration Act. . .and the End of Personal Freedom

UPDATE: URGENT!!! Senate set to ratify CRPD 12pm EST, December 4, 2012


How many of you have heard of CRPD (more exhaustively known as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)? Probably few of you.  In fact, in a quick google search, of the hundreds of hits endorsing the legislation, not a single one actually had a link to the Bill, or explanation of it’s wording.

Not here: USICD, nor here: National Association or the Deaf, not here: National Federation for the Blind, not even on The Hill …thank goodness Clay Aiken tweeted his support out.

First of all, this is not state legislation, this is not federal legislation…this is a UN treaty agreement.

Article Eleven:

States Parties shall take, in accordance with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and the occurrence of natural disasters.

This, in essence, makes the States the UN’s bitch, for lack of a better term.

Now, why in the world would it be necessary to enter into an agreement with the UN to register at birth and track anyone with disabilities? Why would legislation be written to mandate that all newborns with disabilities have the right to a name?  Why would legislation be written to mandate that all newborns with disabilities have the right to be raised by their birth parents?


The answer to this puzzling piece of legislation is directly connected to the longitudinal database system…the final piece of the puzzle. MissouriEducationWatchdog has spent the better part of three years researching and documenting government sanctioned database system.  CRPD is simply one more arm in this system. By documenting people born with disabilities from birth, the government will be able to track that person via school records, medical records, employment history, socio-economic status, political preference, and so on.

Sounds crazy, right? Feel free to research the longitudinal database system for yourself…then take a few days to absorb and wrap your head around it.

In a nutshell, this program collects and tracks data of each individual…it has gone so far to take digital fingerprints of children without legal consent. Based upon the information gathered, government agencies can determine who will be a contribution to society, who will only amount to menial labor, who will live on entitlement programs, disabled persons who can be exploited for government purposes (neat wording for a pat om the back) based upon their accomplishments, and so on.

Yes, all of your information neatly collected in one nice little UN sanctioned package…your childrens’ too.  This is not about better education, it is about surrender of sovereignty…and the worst of it, the government is exploiting disabled persons to further their agenda.

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