Archive for October, 2011

Halloween Money Bomb! Dodge for Senate!

Check out my friend, and fellow Tea Party Patriot’s Halloween Money Bomb. While he might not be a local, We need to support candidates across the country. . .and we need to get Snowe out of Maine! (based on the weather conditions, again, I crack myself up!)

What (or who, rather) you would contribute to:

Andrew Ian Dodge began his political career as a young Republican in Maine fighting to reinvigorate the idea of a young conservative majority in the state and eventually becoming a recognized leader and innovator at the national level. In his tenure at Colby College Andrew resurrected the Debate team and encouraged the creation of Speech classes. In the 90s he help rebuild the Young Republicans group here in Maine. After college he was hired by the Bruges Group who’s major patron was Margaret Thatcher.

Since then, his conservative principles have never wavered.

Whether it was working with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to fight the encroaching power of the European Union and its globalist allies, or standing for a stronger defense of Western countries through the UK Bow Group, or helping to found the Maine Tea Party Patriots in 2009 and organizing the first Tea Party event in Maine, Andrew has never shied away from a fight when the principles of American conservatism are on the line.

Andrew Ian Dodge believes the Founding Fathers fought the most consequential battle for freedom in history. He should know; his family was there. The Dodges have been in Maine since the 1700s when it was part of Massachusetts. In 2007 Andrew came face to face with that legacy when he married the actress Kim Benson in a temple built by his grandfather and uncles on Ocean’s point.

Andrew learned the importance of hard work and family values from his father Arthur Dodge. Arthur, the son of a lobster man and ship builder, worked tenaciously for 31 years until he had become a major player at Texaco. But when Arthur’s family needed him he returned to Maine and spent the rest of his life working to make sure that the beauty of his home state was preserved for his children. Like his father Andrew believes that Maine is one of the most beautiful states in the union and is worth fighting for. In his teenage youth Andrew spent many days enjoying the natural beauty of the Allagash Region where he canoed and the great Katadin Mountain where he hiked.

He also knows that our system of medical care is one of the best in the world and should not be absorbed by the overbearing state. In 2007 Andrew overcame colon cancer after serious post-operation complications thanks to the tireless ingenuity of the doctors of Parkview Hospital in Brunswick. Had the government been able to step in and force those tireless professionals to comply with the red tape regime of Obamacare Andrew would not be alive today. Unlike Olympia Snowe, who voted to let Obamacare out of committee, Andrew views the fight to keep our health care free of meddling bureaucrats as literally a matter of life and death.

Prior to his run for office, Andrew was a leader in Maine’s Tea Party movement. He organized the first registered tea party event in Maine, which took place in Augusta on April 15 2009. Andrew has also represented Maine at national conventions of Tea Party supporters, and has had a major hand in deciding strategy for the movement. He has appeared frequently in the local and national press speaking about tea party issues, doing interviews with with outlets as diverse as Russian TV, MSNBC and French Canadian radio on the subject. Prior to his run, Andrew was also an influential voice for Tea Partiers in the media, having written for the Washington Examiner, Pajamas Media and the Daily Caller.

A candid Andrew Dodge pictured here from the St Louis 9/12 event along with Ralph King, Martin Baker (another fine candidate, by the way), Andrew’s wife. . . actress Kim Benson, and yours truly (I know, bad glasses are no excuse for NO makeup!)

St Louis Cardinals: 2011 MLB World Series Champs! Oooh Yeah!

While I’m on a weird video kick:

Yes, it’s an odd video, it’s also odd that we won considering we never should have made it in the first place.

I am an admitted Cub fan, but have been a die-hard for the Cardinals since I moved here in ’93. I even got an apartment on Broadway so I could walk to games and snag a bleacher seat to watch the game whenever I had free time.

I have always loved my Cardinals*, and I am SO proud of them!

*I DO NOT support McGuire and his lies. Not happy that he’s here either, but I guess on the upside, we’re hitting better.

**Maybe next year, all of these men will grow up and stop spitting. . .it’s so freaking disgusting. Really. . .and it’s bad modeling for my son, and young male fans across the country.

Freese Fame!

Congratulations to David Freese, 2011 MLB World Series MVP (and Lafayette High Alum BTW!)

Gotta Love the 80’s.

St Louis Cardinals: Squirrels In My Pants!

Go Nuts Folks!  Pun intended.

Love it! Viva Phineas and Ferb, and GO CARDS!!!!!

New Photography Company Specializes in Children and Families in St Louis

Whether you are preparing to welcome a new bundle of joy into your lives, or looking to have a family picture taken for Christmas cards  with the colorful fall colors as your backdrop, you need to check out St Louis’ newest photography star. Babycakes Photography has a unique focus on children and families, and is quickly rising to the top in the who’s-who in local photography.

This new small-business is filling up fast, and editing time is building.  Babycakes Photography by Jess has a strong emphasis on newborns, babies and small children, capturing the essence of youth, innocence and playfulness.  The company is run by a young newlywed who has over a decade of highly-specialized nanny experience.

Galleries can be viewed on or you can contact Jess directly at 314-609-5355 of by filling out the link found here.





Draft Ed Martin for Governor Meet-Up Tonight

Those who wanted to do the MeetUp decided to “go for it”, but all are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Come to the Draft Ed MeetUP!
What: Draft Ed Martin for Governor MeetUp
When: Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Time: 7:00 p.m. (will last about an hour)
Where: Pillar in the Valley, 229 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Chesterfield, MO MAP
There have been significant developments in just the past week. Among them is the announcement of a “self-funder” named David Spence.

We don’t know much about this 53 year old business man, but do know that he just started voting about 10 years ago. We also know how he’s been contributing money. (See below.) He in 2004 he gave money to Chuck Schumer. And this year he’s given $45k to a pac set up for Mitt Romney.

He has pledged to self-fund as much as $4 million. Ed is probably our only hope to beat this guy or Nixon, but we must rally around him!

See where the current Gubenatorial Race stands, and what our chances are of getting Jay Nixon out of office without Ed Martin in the Race for the Governor of Missouri’s seat, and catch up on chatter from the left.

Hope to see you there! Please spread the word! See:

As per Missouri political genius Ron Calzone:

Mr. Obama is not the first to try to “change” our Republic, but his change promises to transform the Great American Experiment faster and more radically than anyone in history.

He may have succeeded in starting something that just can’t be stopped. In just a few years we may no longer recognize what was once the American Republic.

For the last couple of years I have traveled around the state explaining how state nullification of unconstitutional federal edicts may be the only way to Restore the Republic. It’s a call for state level officials to “interpose” when their people’s liberty is being eroded by the constant wash of federal intrusion – things like Obamacare.

The prospect of stemming the tide of federal usurpation excites every crowd, but the politically savvy often ask, “But if the governor won’t enforce legislative acts of nullification, then what?”

That’s the one question that leaves me speechless – almost.

My only answer has been, “We have to change the governor.” But, that was a seemingly hopeless proposition – until recently.

Perhaps providentially, an opportunity has presented itself for patriots across the state to rise up and demand a governor who will make the protection of the people’s “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” the “principal office” of Missouri government again.

We now have an opportunity to elect a man who will interpose for the people when unconstitutional federal edicts threaten our freedom.

We have an opportunity to say “No!” to a political machine that has a stranglehold on the state – choking out opportunity and the free market principles that are the bulwark of all our liberty. We will no longer be constrained to their “short list” of nominees for governor!

We can’t fix the whole thing, but we have an opportunity to elect a governor who will lead us into restoration of the chunk of republic we call Missouri!

Ed Martin will be the people’s governor, not a hand-picked vassal of the ruling elite.

And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works. — Frédéric Bastiat – “The Law”

Ron Calzone, director
Missouri First, Inc.

Ronald Reagan Predicts Muslim Revolution in 1986

See for yourself!

“This mad dog of the Middle East has a goal of a world revolution, a Muslim Fundamentalist Revolution, which is targeted on many of his own Arab compatriots.”

Ronald Reagan saw the writing on the wall 25 years ago!  This news conference was held on April 9, 1986, where Reagan addressed Muammar el Qaddafi. The insult was of particular severity to Arabs ears, to whom comparisons with dogs, let alone mad dogs, are fighting words.

We need to wake up!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Takes On Animal Abuse

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, yes, that Sheriff Joe, apparently has a softer side.  Arpaio, nationally renowned for his tough tactics of forcing his inmates to sport the color pink, and live in Tent Cities in the heat of Arizona’s climate, has taken on the problem of animal abuse in Maricopa County.

According to his website, First Avenue jail houses smaller animals that are rescued from abuse and neglect cases, while larger animals are placed in a fenced arena adjacent to Tent City.

Arpaio, often referred to as the “toughest Sheriff in the world” has been criticized of treating animals better than the inmates. . .to which he responded:

I usually respond by saying the animals are victims and as such, deserve to be treated well. Inmates, on the other hand, have broken the law by victimizing others. They deserve to be treated humanely but not delicately.

We have taken several people into custody over the years and we have rescued untold numbers of horses, pigs, ducks, donkeys, goats, monkeys, turtles, birds and, of course, cats and dogs.

All the animals stay with us until the case against the animal’s owner is adjudicated in court.  Sometimes, the animals are ordered by the judge to be returned to the owner. But usually, they are signed over to the Sheriff’s care.  That’s when we hold adoptions.  We are a no kill shelter.  As long as I am Sheriff, there will be a place in this office to house and care for abused animals we take in from our investigations. And it should go without saying; there will always be room in my jails for the animal abusers.

A lot of police professionals will disagree with my belief about law enforcement’s duty to prioritize animal abuse and neglect problems. They may justify their position by saying there is enough on their plates just dealing with felons.

But I believe animal abuse and neglect is a serious problem that too often leads to far more serious offenses like child abuse and other acts of violence against people.

That aside, animal abuse and neglect is just wrong! It turns my stomach.

I say, Go Sheriff Joe! I mean, you’ve got to love a man who has a inspired an entire line of *pink* and loves animals.

Trivia Night!

If you’re looking for something to do tonight, or you’re a trivia junkie, come on out for State Representative Kurt Bahr’s Annual Trivia Night!  It’s a great cause, as he is a great Statesman!  Special guests include Congressman Todd Akin, Candidate for Missouri 2nd Congressional District Ed Martin, and Representative Allen Icet.

Read it and weep, Occupants.

Under the Mountain Bunker

Click for larger image:

NOTE: purple area shows payroll taxes and green area shows corporate taxes. See how that’s worked out really, really well for the 1% and not so much for the rest of us?

CHART OF THE DAY: The ‘47 Percent’ Pay Their Fair Share

Conservatives are continuing their counter-protest against the so-called “47 percent.” Specifically, that’s the share of recession-era households that pay no federal income taxes. Most of them pay payroll taxes and other federal taxes (not to mention state taxes), but Republicans have chosen to depict them as the free-riding half of the country.

The fact of the matter, though, is that those other taxes constitute a huge chunk of federal revenues. Check out the charts below. Over the 58 years preceding the Lesser Depression, the share of federal revenues that came from individual income taxes has remained fairly stable, fluctuating between 40 and…

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