Invocation receives standing ovation, despite attempts to stop it.

This is what we, as Christians, are called to do. We were never promised it was going to be easy, but we were promised we would never be alone. This is what graduating high school student and class President Jonathan Hardwick of Lincoln County High School in Stanford, Kentucky learned last Friday. He received a standing ovation during his graduation ceremony after leading attendees in prayer, despite an attempt by six students who had attempted to have the invocation banned.

As reported by Hardwick stood by his beliefs and values. A bold move that not only went noticed, but was cheered by a crowd re-energized in the very soul.

“Thank you for helping us get here safely today, Lord,” he prayed. “And thank you for the many blessings You have given us.”

At first, the room filled with claps and cheers for Hardwick, but several seconds later, graduation attendees rose to their feet.

Prayer has been a tradition at Lincoln County High School, but this year, six students approached Principal Tim Godbey and asked him to put an end to the practice.

We need more Davids, like Hardwick, in today’s society…especially amongst our youth. This is a breath of fresh air to say the least.

Invocation receives standing ovation, despite attempts to stop it.

This is what we all, as Christians, are called to do. Nobody said our walk would ever be easy, but we were promised we will never be alone.

GGI calls for volunteers, donations for Moore, OK tornado

APTOPIX Severe WeatherUpdated…

Gateway Grassroots has secured an open lot, two large trucks, and the blood, sweat, and tears of volunteers seeking to serve their brothers and sisters. GGI invites you in this initiative to gather and ship desperately needed items for the victims of Monday’s devastating EF5 tornado.

We will be staging the effort at Kirkwood Lowes, time and day TBA once structures are up in Moore to receive aid. Non-perishable items may be dropped off for donation. Non-perishables will not be accepted.

Items most requested:  Bottled water – Gatorade – Wipes – Diapers – Baby formula – Hand towels – Individually wrapped snacks – Work gloves

No clothing, please.

If you would like to make an immediate donation, per Dana Loesch:

Salvation Army: Text STORM to 80888 to donate $10 to the recovery and relief efforts

Red Cross: Text REDCROSS to 90999 for Redcross to give $10


Mercury One is taking online donations and sending trucks

Moore Recovers

Items that you may purchase on location to donate: boxes – work gloves –  eye protection – face masks – hand trucks – hard hats – shop cloths (towels) – gift cards – bottled water – storage bins – food and water bowls for pets – shelving units – packing tape – markers for labeling

Also, if you care to join us and help collect and load items, and you happen to have a hand-truck or dolly, please bring it. It would be tremendously helpful.

Posted by Jen

Rockwood School District Publishes Student Health Records Online

It seems that the Rockwood School District in St Louis Missouri just can’t take a break. continues to make poor, unconstitutional decisions.

First, in an effort to receive vouchers from the state, schools implemented a “Run for Recess” requiring students run laps around the track before participating in what was left of their 15 minute recess. Next, it was discovered that the district  fingerprints all students without parental consent. Then came the state audit which unveiled what we already knew: the district was funneling millions of dollars to school board president Steve Smith (who later resigned, but not before throwing Superintendent Bruce Borchers under the bus. Borchers will not return to RSD).

The fingerprinting scandal broke when a mother noticed that someone else was eating off of her child’s account. Upon inquiry, she was told that “someone else’s fingerprint must be similar to your son’s”. Huh? Fingerprint. The district refused to comment on the issue, but later published an *opt-out* document for parents to restrict the child from being fingerprinted…but there is no indication anywhere on their website which informs parents of the standard practice. In other words, if the parent is not aware of the fingerprinting of their child, they would have no way of knowing to click on the opt-out link. This also gives the district the opportunity to implement this measure, though unconstitutional, and without parental consent of a minor, by default.

fingerprint opt out (2)

Now it has been discovered that the Rockwood School District has taken upon itself to actually publish student health records online. These records can be found on the district’s “Infinite Campus” site which is a database for all things and anything the district wants on record. Personal information. Information that goes directly into the Longitudinal Database as part of Common Core Standards. You can find all you need and more on the Longitudinal Database, as well as Common Core at Missouri Education Watchdog.

health record (4)

This database, though on a secure webpage, still jeopardizes student privacy rights. Personal information of a minor can not be shared or published without parental consent. RSD was approached on this issue, to which they (per their M.O.) remained silent and refused any comment regarding these publications. This database, of course, may be subject to sale, where another entity would have full access to this information. Worse, this database may also be seized by the federal government as part of  Common Core integration.  It seems that as long as the parents don’t know what is going on, RSD will continue to institute whatever practices they desire, despite the law.

CryLiberty on hiatus

image CryLiberty blog is currently on hiatus. This in no way indicates a break from politics. I am simply taking additional time to pursue my first passion, weather and meteorology.

God bless, and see you back in a few months!

No news is bad news…for Rockwood School District residents.

Before I say anything else, please don’t buy the Prop S “safety” Sandy Hook boogeyman argument. In fact, Rocked Schools District (RSD) eventually backed off of that one as soon as we started calling bullcrap on them… Yet, they expect you vote for it.
Whether you do, or do not buy into the Prop S hype, scroll below for just how little of this bill goes to “safety” for the students. After all, a vote for Prop S is a vote for the children, and anything bit is *anti-children*. Yet, they expect you vote for it.
Last Thursday, I requested my PSO to go to the Rockwood School District meeting to present a request. That request simply consisted of the district linking to the 2013 Missouri State Education Budget along side the link for Prop S on their website. Both the PSO President and the school Principal absolutely agreed to the request.
The very next morning, I received a phone call informing me that my request had already been *heard*. I was told that once my request was entered as “new business” later that night, it would automatically be sent to the Rockwood School Board for a vote…AFTER the election.
Now, I had not shared my request with anybody, and I was the only person in the room who was not a member of either the Board or Staff. How this information had already found its way to the district I can only guess.

Fact is, Prop S is a gateway. It is the gateway to saying “Yes! I will have some!…and more, and more and more!” This is a gateway to Glen Construction who has already over billed the District, who paid the same bill twice to Steve Smith, the then Board President, and current Board member. Oh, snap! Did I mention that Glen Construction is his company and he pocketed 2.1 million dollars  per year on these district contracts? Yet, they expect you vote for it.

Yea, Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweicht found them guilty on all charges. But after a 2 year warning of an active audit, it was only 1 month ago did the Board vote to “do things differently” (even though Smith claimed to recuse himself during some active votes on construction bids). Yet, they expect you vote for it.

Of the proposes 38.4 Million, Glen Construction stands to take 23+ of it…while the “safety” allocation is a mere 7%. Yes, you heard me. Seven percent is going to the safety and security of our children,our students. Yet, they expect you vote for it.

Wow! And they are concerned about locker rooms that are no bigger than the rest of us grew up with? Or new carpeting in cafeteria and hallways.Oh! The Humanity! (also, cafeteria (kitchens) and hallways need to be able to be doused in bleach daily…hardly condusive to carpeting)
Where will it stop? They play thisboff as a “No Tax-rate Increase”…which will pay off 69 cents by 69 cents per year. Well, that covers a span of hopefully 13 years…but considering the number of residents who have not paid their neighborhood fee to years, and years and years (minus the tax-cheats) it could be much longer.
Could you imagine if people just stopped voting FOR this rubbish 20 years ago? We would see the fruits of labor (stretched to capacity because it’s limited), and see a tax decrease at the same time.

Have these people noticed the economy? It isn’t something that will turn around over night, yet they expect you vote for it.

At this point, this is no longer a vote “for the kids”, it is a vote for control. It goes on and on. Of they win this proposition, be danged sure you will see another in two years. It has happened every two years since the first one passed.
Trust me, they’ll find the funds elsewhere without Prop S passing…after all 18 BILLION of the 23 B alotted per budget year in the state of Missouri goes directly to teacher’s pensions. You heard me right! 18 billion of the budgeted 23 billion is pensions.

Wanna know how much goes straight to administration under the school superintendent?
Yeah, cuts can be made all around without further burden to the tax payers. The money is there.

Since the Rockwood School District refuses to link the state budget to their site, I have linked it to mine.
Numbers don’t lie.

Now, as much as the PSO President(s) and I do not see eye to eye at all, I respect their work and their willingness to bring this matter forward. And as diplomatic as our school Principal (who I absolutely love, by the way) is, I have yet to receive a response, aside from my insider who told me exactly where this would go in the first place.

No initial response. No “hey, this is how it went” because, unfortunately, I know exactly where it went…and we all would have heard otherwise. Or a “sorry for transparency, finally!” Nope. Nada.

Them, this hit my inbox last night. Sounds like if they child figure out a way to get the busses running on the down-low to drive votes in for this proposition, they absolutely would!:

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 2. It’s Election Day and voters will be considering Prop S, a no-tax rate increase bond issue on the ballot. Below are some answers to voting information.

When are polls open on April 2?

Polls will be open at 6 a.m. and will close at 7 p.m.

Who may vote?

Any Rockwood resident who is a registered voter may vote in this election. Anyone needing to register to vote or needed to update his or her voter registration information may do so at any Rockwood school, or any St. Louis County library or City Hall. The deadline for processing registrations, reinstatements and transfers is March 6 to be eligible to vote in the April 2 election.

Where may I vote?

Just prior to the election date, each registered voter will receive a postcard from the election office designated the polling place for the election.

I’m out of town on April 2. May I vote by absentee ballot?

Yes. St. Louis County registered voters wishing to cast an absentee ballot should call 314.615.1800. In Jefferson County, call 636.797.5486. St. Louis County residents may download the absentee ballot application online.

March 27 is the last day absentee ballot requests are accepted by mail at the election office. Absentee ballots must be returned to the Election Office by April 1.

April 1 is the last day to cast an absentee ballot in person at the Election Office. The office is located at 12 Sunnen Drive in Maplewood for St. Louis County residents and 729 Maple Street in Hillsboro for Jefferson County residents.

How many “Yes” votes are required for the bond issue to pass?

The Constitution of the State of Missouri requires a four-sevenths (57.14 percent) majority for passage of the bond issue.

How will Proposition S appear on the ballot?

The ballot language for Proposition S is as follows:

Shall the Rockwood R-6 School District, St. Louis County, Missouri, issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $38.4 Million Dollars ($38,400,000) for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, renovating, repairing, improving, furnishing and equipping school sites, buildings and related facilities in the District, including but not limited to (1) safety and health measures, (2) technology infrastructure and classroom technology and (3) maintenance of current facilities by continuing to fund major capital repairs and improvements, resulting in no estimated increase in the debt service property tax levy? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the District is estimated to remain unchanged at sixty-eight cents ($0.68) per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of real and personal property. We invite you to join us on Facebook. Take the time to Like · Share the information about our students and schools.

Wisconsin, anybody?

Cultural Erosion and the *Legality* of Marriage

In a report issued yesterday by the New York Times, several *prominent* Republicans signed a legal brief in support of gay marriage. This includes four former Governors, two members of Congress, and several advisers to former President George W. Bush.

This move continues to shed light upon the fact that those on The Hill are completely out of touch with the American people. While the gay community has been manipulated by mainstream media in to a big hurrah as a victory for gay rights, they are ignoring the fact that this only further enslaves them. They are now caught in the snare that the heterosexual community has been subject to: a government mandate on the institution of marriage.

Last time I checked, marriage was not an illegal act, but a biblical concept. Lets take a look. From freedictionary:



1. a. Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing. See Synonyms at permission.

b. A document, plate, or tag that is issued as proof of official or legal permission: a driver’s license.
2. Deviation from normal rules, practices, or methods in order to achieve a certain end or effect.
3. Latitude of action, especially in behavior or speech. See Synonyms at freedom.

4. a. Lack of due restraint; excessive freedom: “When liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near” (Will Durant).

b. Heedlessness for the precepts of proper behavior; licentiousness.·censed, li·cens·ing, li·cens·es

1. To give or yield permission to or for.
2. To grant a license to or for; authorize. See Synonyms at authorize.
Permission. Since when does one need permission to do something which is protected by their religious freedom? Freedom. Freedom of what? The freedom to make your own choice…or is it the government’s job to issue approval? Authorize. Since when does the government hold authority over a biblical concept?
Let’s take a look at Merriam-Webster:

noun \ˈlī-sən(t)s\

1 a: permission to act  b: freedom of action

2 a: a permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful
b: a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license granted
c: a grant by the holder of a copyright or patent to another of any of the rights embodied in the copyright or patent short of an assignment of all rights
3 a: freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibility
b: disregard for standards of personal conduct :licentiousness
4 deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained
What? “An activity otherwise unlawful”? Yes, the power the government has impressed upon the church has deemed it illegal for anyone to marry, gay or straight, within a church without permission from the State to do what is otherwise unlawful, irresponsible, with  disregard for standards of personal conduct, and is a deviation from normal rules, practices, or methods. And there you have it, the act of marriage has now become subject to criminal activity unless a government official decides that it in your best interest to grant your request. Sounds like freedom, eh?
In 1999, while planning my wedding, we were specifically told by the priest that it was illegal for the church to perform the ceremonial rite of marriage. When pressed, he further responded that no church would perform such as it would jeopardize the church’s tax-exempt status. So, it seems their hands were tied as well.
This is where the government first really screwed the homosexual community, knowing at the time that churches would not perform weddings to those of the same-sex as it violated their belief system, bound churches pretty much by extortion. With the signing of this brief, it now looks as though the gay community is now bound too.
A little food for thought from my dear friend Scott Boston:

I don’t think the Government should tell Churches who to marry.

I also don’t think the Government should tell Churches who they shouldn’t marry.
If a church says that gay marriage is in violation with its beliefs and tenets of its faith then I have no problem with that church not performing that rite.
If a gay couple can find a church that wants to marry them, more power to them.
If you go to the justice of the peace, I think you should get a civil union no matter who you are since it is a civil and not a religious institution.
The reason that Government got involved in marriage was because progressives who believed in eugenics wanted to make sure that blacks and whites could not intermarry and dilute the white race.
Instead, both sides in Washington are now perpetuating more big-government by placing further restrictions on citizens. This is not a win for gay marriage, it is a further push toward slavery. We now have one more notch on the post of government control.
As the GOP continues to erode, so will society and American culture. From stixblog:
The slow decay of morality is the basis of the socialist movement.  It makes the people look to the State instead of Community and Religion for direction.
I do not wear my religion on my sleeve, but the total disregard for Religious Liberty is eroding, and is going into overtime with Obama.
It was mentioned to me that in a lot of ways, violent revolution would be easier than the battle that we and our children are about to face in the next generation.
I just finished The Harbinger at book club. It’s a very interesting read about an ancient biblical prophecy that foretells our collapse.
This isn’t a fight that our children will fight.  It’s ramping up to befall America in just a few short years. Things will continue to get worse as organizations and institutions fall into disarray, the GOP is there now.
Turning back to God is the only answer.
With that said, this is precisely where America stands at this moment:
The question is, will we continue to slam the door, or will we finally look to see what is on the other side before it’s too late?

RIP C. Everett Koop

February 26, 2012


Former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop died Monday at his home in Hanover, N.H.,  died Monday at his home in Hanover, N.H.. The cause of his death has not been made clear at this point. He was 96.

Koop, nominated by President Reagan in 1981,  served seven years as Surgeon General. The evangelical Christian was initially faced with great opposition to his nomination due to his personal views on abortion. Koop, however, was one of the few figures in American history who had the ability to separate his personal views from the politics of it all.

During the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, Koop became a champion for AIDS research and education, and was heralded by both the homosexual community and AIDS activists alike. The AIDS scare came to an end in 1989, when Koop retired his post. Among the other health issues facing the culture at that time, he declared smoking a public health hazard, pioneering the way for the inquiry into big tobacco corporations.

I had the honor of working with C. Everett Koop, a pediatric surgeon, in the mid-nineties as a PR Agent. Face to face, the enormity of his stature was diluted by his humility and wit. He did of course, however, pull me aside at a gala in 1994 at a gala at the Adam’s Mark Hotel, taking a stern tone after he caught me smoking outside the event. His works, and our conversations left a lasting impression on me to this day.

Sad to see him go, perhaps his passing will not only bring to spotlight his great accomplishments and service to his country, but also serve as a reminder to those in the world of politics that it is possible to put aside the personal, and work for the common good of the people.

Missouri Vote on Second Amendment Preservation Act

February 25, 2013
GodGunsIn a culture caught up in firearm fear, fueled by the mainstream media, state officials are positioned to vote on legislation to preserve the very life of the Second Amendment in Missouri.  
HB 436, sponsored by Rep. Doug Funderburk, (R)- St. Charles County, is the strongest protection of the right to keep and bear arms in the entire nation
The hearing for HB 436, originally slated for a vote Tuesday, February 26, is now expected in public hearing, March 5th at 12:00 in Hearing Room 4, but the official hearing schedule will not be published until later this week. This provides a greater opportunity for Missouri residents to voice their support of their Second Amendment rights by filling out a witness form.
From perhaps the most patriotic lobbyist in Missouri, Ron Calzone at Missouri First:
Details about HB 436 & and it’s companion Senate bill  SB 325Since the 10th Amendment makes it clear that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states and the People, the regulation of the ownership of arms is a state, not a federal matter.That applies to ALL such regulation.

We must demand from our legislators no less than the strongest, most principled stand they can take to defend our right to keep and bear arms!

Rep. Doug Funderburk and Sen. Brian Nieves’ “Second Amendment Preservation Act” is the strongest and most principled protection of the right to keep and bear arms in the nation!.

Notice that it utilizes the words of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to explain Missouri’s authority to nullify unconstitutional federal edicts within her borders. Including this language is essential to the success of the bill. It also specifically lists the types of things we will not put up with, and that’s what gives state officials the “cover” they need to enforce the bill.

Tenth Amendment Center article about HB 436.

What you can do:

  1. Right NOW, either plan to attend the hearing for HB 436 (time to be announced), or fill out the online witness form..
  2. Pass on this email or another with the generic witness form link to as many liberty loving people as you can.
  3. If you have any personal contact with your rep or senator ask them to commit to supporting these bills.

Ron has upped the ante offering to hand deliver your witness form and also make your testimony available online for the committee to read. You can email your witness form and additional testimony directly to Ron at

Attention Christians, this is a Culture War!

February 25, 2013

WIBC_Garrison_Loesch_Breitbart3-150x150So, angry callers swamped the phone lines of The Dana Show this afternoon wanting to excoriate the popular Christian talk-show host for wanting to engage in culture.

Dana live-tweeted the Oscars last night while watching the glamorization of ego event…and some on the Christian right were infuriated at her for wanting to engage in culture. These people argue that by any engagement in modern-day culture, one is promoting and contributing to the leftist Hollywood agenda.

Seriously? Seriously. I’ve got some news for you. Christianity is under attack here in America, in case you haven’t noticed. This is a cultural war we are in the midst of. Politics is downstream of culture. Until we reign in the culture, there is little that anyone will be able to do regarding violence, abortion issues, domestic issues, marital issues, abuse issues…shall I go on? First, we must recapture and inject pure biblical principles back into our society. What happened to honesty, humility, compassion, responsibility, purity, and respect? Until we obtain these, the rest is moot. The only way to achieve this is to engage in the culture that promotes the antithesis of Godliness.

And just a reminder: Without cultural engagement, we would never have had Elvis, Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan, Charles Schultz, CS Lewis, or, of course, the show Growing Pains! Could you imagine?

Christ calls us to engage, specifically, in Matt 28 16-20. I wouldn’t argue with that. Just sayin.

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