Tea Party 2.0: Introducing the Gateway Grassroots Initiative!

Over the past two years and ten months, hundreds of thousands of people slowly began to wake up to the world around them.  Some were there from day one, others just opened their eyes yesterday. . .and everyone else fell somewhere in between.  The Tea Party had been born.

Many did not know who or what these people were about in the beginning.  The main-stream media had been caught off-guard, so responded the only way they knew how. . .they attacked it.  Within a few short months, what were once small gatherings of a few alert patriots, became full family affairs, with flags, signs, chants, and live entertainment for the masses.  Groups of thousands, prayed together, fellow-shipped and formed new relationships.  These people cleaned up after themselves, and then went home to tell their family and friends about it.  They got involved in their communities, became better-read, and talked unashamedly about issues they believed in.
The Tea Party has served it’s purpose, in the sense that we “got their attention”.  When it comes right down to it, the era of the rally is over.  Washington and State Capitols throughout the nation know we are here.   It is now time for Tea Party 2.0!  We are in the process of moving from attention-getting to the “Now what?” phase of the movement.
This is where the Gateway Grassroots Initiative comes in.  This organization, the first of it’s kind, is the answer to that question.  GGI is dedicated to the education, empowerment and enrichment of patriots in the central Midwest.  The organization, is simple and turn-key. . .something any Tea Party organization can model itself after, and that was by design by it’s founders.  GGI is about issues and actions, not about a particular candidate or race.
We are proud to have the support of so many of the key national leaders and Tea Party organizations in this endeavor.
Keep in mind that as we launch, the website will be ever-evolving.  We have so many cool things in store, but they need to roll out in natural progression.  You comments and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated.
We pledge to keep the spirit of the movement alive, and move forward with it’s evolution.  Please feel free to check out the site, sign up, and get involved.  Challenge yourself to an “Initiative” in the “TIPs” section and join us in the next phase of the Tea Party Movement!

1 Response to “Tea Party 2.0: Introducing the Gateway Grassroots Initiative!”

  1. 1 azpatriot38 December 14, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    God Bless you all in this new chapter of fighting to protect our great republic. Let no fallen drop of American blood be for not!
    I still believe in the Dream.

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