Posts Tagged 'Tea Party'

Thought From the Highway: McCaskill’s Incompetency

From our friends at Thoughts from the Highway, a letter from Missouri to it’s constituents:

By now people are certainly familiar with Missouri Congressman Todd Akin. Missourians have known him for years and those on the national scene most likely know him for his run in Missouri Senate against Claire McCaskill and as of late his Aug 19th 2012 “legitimate rape” comment on a local TV show. A comment that some may understandably find offensive yet also a comment for those that truly know Todd Akin would easily have been explained that the man did not mean the words as they were said and how they were heard.

Todd Akin is a well known respected Christian conservative in Missouri. Those that know him in Washington D.C. surely know this to be true as well although many have bailed on him for suspect reasons in my opinion. I’m not going to go into the depths of Todd’s mind or into an analysis of what he may have meant to say. I do know he has a deep respect for life and all Americans and this country’s values are first and foremost on his mind and in his campaign.

Todd Akin wears his beliefs on his sleeve and is an easy target for the left to attempt to shine a light of crazy on. If conservative values and being unshakable in defending innocent life and being Christian makes him crazy? Send me my crazy card please and Next Day Air ASAP. Is a candidate that speaks the truth openly in fiscal responsibility in government not what we want? Is voicing honesty in Christian values and the 1st Amendment not what we want? Misspeaking is a daily event with politicians or anyone in the spotlight. (See Joe Biden) See any variety of Hollywood type. We see it. Yet in today’s society in our media and in an ever present anti-Christian narrative and vibe, Todd is an easy target. A target he has taken on his entire career. It’s not what Todd says or even how he misspoke, it’s Todd the political threat they attack. The conservative values they abhor ”That whacky extreme Conservative Christian Akin” …his staunch conservative voting record. The mainstream media is asking for apologies daily today on anything and everything. Todd made his. He was sincere in saying it.

During the few weeks moving forward from his Aug 19th comment the local media in Missouri. Namely, the St.Louis Post Dispatch have been steadily investigating and gleefully reporting on various comments that Akin has made in the past and painting him as a radical and extremist. Claire McCaskill is running not touting her record because she can’t (like Obama) but rather putting out info in the ads that are half truths and quite frankly just lies. Yet I see no reporting or investigating of Claire’s checkered past and a long sketchy at best past it certainly is. A questioning of values is at hand folks.

Article on Claire 2006

Claire can’t run on Missouri jobs or its economy because it’s suffering yet she’s busy telling Americans “I hate coal” While she rubber stamps Obama’s dream of green and the over regulation of coal plants, a HUGE source of Missouri energy and jobs. An industry entangled with other key industries. Railroads. Union Pacific & Burlington Northern Sante Fe. Barges and riverfront coal industries as well. Those two railroads are Union jobs as well as the barge workers. Does Claire know that these industries can’t haul wind and solar power? Does she care what affect her votes and intentions are having and will have?

Claire says “I hate coal” ? She is right in line with Obama’s comments about “bankrupting the coal industry” and that’s exactly what will happen in Missouri. Our energy bills will skyrocket because of it. This is not by accident folks. This is Claire following lockstep with the Obama’s energy policy that Mitt Romney destroyed in last night’s debate. “Picking losers” I.E. Solyndra. Destroying key and crucial elements of the American heartland’s life blood without a viable affordable energy to even replace it. The Green Dream. At this point that’s exactly what it is..a dream. Claire stepped in a big pile of “Obama think” and has nothing to run on except to call Akin “extreme” You tell me what is truly extreme.

With the local media digging up something and anything nearly daily on Akin and with little to no defense. Twisting of his words, omitting others etc. The charge has had to be and has been taken on by local grassroots largely and others. Dana Loesch has an excellent write- up on what on Claire McCaskill and what is “truly extreme” about Claire herself on her site. We are doing all we can in Missouri to win this Senate seat and this race is very easily winnable and we are asking for your help and your input as well. The Senate is of crucial importance to our country and Claire McCaskill as of today only has a 6pt lead over Akin. Some of the GOP and PACS have come to help, but with every little dollar of support or a show of support means everything.

I ask those in other states that hear the likes of a Chris Christie or other politicians like him that say that they wouldn’t vote for Akin to know that they do the party nor the cause any good without knowing the inside local fight we have been fighting in Missouri. It’s time to stop the covering of asses and it’s time to win this seat and turn the Senate red. Self gratifying soapbox comments and media appeasing does not help Missouri Republicans and/or conservatives. It doesn’t help America period. Political correctness has no place in truth. Truth is we can win this race. Truth is Claire McCaskill has a horrid record and truth is… we need your support to send her packing and to help bring a true conservative to the Senate.

Why would one let a leftist media narrative sway one from what is obvious? Once you look at the sources of the misleading leftist narrative and agenda? It’s clear. Please don’t fall into that cess pool, that sand trap. It’s hard to get out of once you do fall. Don’t be played and swayed by frothing media lib types but rather please take a look at the big picture. The big picture is winning the White House and winning this ever so important Senate. Every seat count. Please don’t allow another empty chair like Claire. We can win here It can be done in Missouri. Now or never. Make your choice.

Because the Economy is Just Fine!

From an old friend, Eric Allie:


Let’s stay focused on the issues!

The Political Execution of Todd Akin

As I have come under heavy fire over the past few days for my comment “If you participated in throwing Akin under the bus, you are a PROGRESSIVE”, I have gained even more backing…and it is starting to line up.

True, maybe “progressive” was too strong a word. Fine, I will restate: If you participated in throwing Todd Akin under the bus, you resorted to progressive tactics.” There, does that make anyone feel any better…or do you have now have remorse for the knee-jerk reaction to resorting to such Alinsky tactics?

It seems I’m not alone and the numbers are growing. This, from American Vision:

We expect leftists, liberals, and other miscreants to pounce opportunistically, to lie, cheat, and twist (all the while drooling) over a phrase like “legitimate rape” when uttered by a strong conservative Christian politician. But should we expect the same from alleged conservatives?

Yet this is exactly what we’ve seen from several prominent conservatives in the wake of a media gaffe from U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin (R-MO) in regard to alleged “legitimate rape” and abortion.

What could have been quickly and easily handled with a consolidated response correctly interpreting Akin’s unfortunate phrase was instead a rare cause of bipartisan hazing.

It’s an old and reliable political reality: liberals care for even the criminals in their midst, while conservatives shoot their wounded. So, for example, Joe Biden can put all three of his left feet in his mouth twice a week and the media performs damage control (and perhaps leash training as well). The Right can scream and howl but the matter gets buried in no time. And thus, the male-prostitute hiring Barney Franks of this world retire from Congress as alleged civil rights heroes.

Meanwhile, let a conservative utter an awkward phrase, and it’s ready, aim, fire—not only from the leftist media, but from alleged conservatives like Ann Coulter, Scott Brown, the Romney-Ryan campaign, and the RNC itself. “We’re not associated with him!”

And in this case, the volley of verbal bullets came with disproportionate verve. It’s almost like the GOP establishment is more than eager to get rid of the most conservative tea-party types among them. (This is not to endorse Akin myself. I find his views on foreign policy and unlimited military-empire spending far less than biblical.)

Fact is, Todd Akin has always been the anti-Establishment, tea party favorite. He has stood up against the liberal machine, the biased MSM and the GOP Establishment…all of which threw him under the bus, then picked him up and threw him right back under again…and again..and again…and the man STILL got back up. I don’t know about you, but that is resilience in my book. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a few of those among the 100 Senators serving America?

Truly a David v Goliath.

But here is where the rest of you are missing the point…none of this changes the man’s record. None of this warrants the character assasination mounted against him and his family. And none of this changes the fact that he is the candidate.

So, are you going to continue to bow to leftist tactics, or are you going to get the most dangerous, sly, and progressive Senators the heck out of Missouri? It is Claire or Todd. You pick.

Congratulations MO1! You Just Screwed Yourself!

It was a slaughtering of epic proportions: Lacy Clay essentially ended the Carnahan family dynasty, according to the RFT:

Yesterday’s Missouri primary resulted in a few surprises. The biggest, perhaps, was Congressman Lacy Clay’s stunning victory over Congressman Russ Carnahan for Missouri’s First Congressional District that includes all of St. Louis and much of the county. Clay garnered 63.2 percent of the vote to Carnahan’s 33.9 percent in the newly redrawn district that had the two Democratic incumbents battling for the same seat.

Disappointing, but not as surprising, was Robyn Hamlin’s victory over Tea Party. CandidatesMartin Baker, also in the Missouri First Congressional District. I say not surprising, because the majority of delegates, and alternate delegates in MO1 are Ron Paul supporters.

It was a long shot, we knew, but we pushed forward anyway. Martin’s campaign was run solely by volunteer tea party patriots, which Baker endearingly referred to as “the best campaign staff money can’t buy”. Had the libertarian Hamlin actually run on the Libertarian ticket, St Louis and MO1 would have had a fighting chance. Sadly, now, they do not.
Hamlin has absolutely no chance in the General Election against Lacy Clay. After her dirty, smear campaign she ran in the primary, including attacking her opponent’s children, she has disenfranchised the grassroots…who are predominantly Christian. Missouri Right to Life will not endorese her, as will most esteemed organizations, as she has no platform… And the GOP will not get behind her because, well, she is not a Republican. She is a Libertarian.
I believe I am being optimistic when I say I believe Hamlin will walk away from the General Election at 16%.
So there you have it, MO1. You voted, and gave yourself Clay. Congrats and enjoy. The rest of us are walking away from the lost cause.

At the very least, showing extreme grace in defeat, Martin D. Baker stated that despite his disappointment in the outcome of the primary race, his campaign achieved what they had set out to do: move the conservative dial in the district “We picked up 2,200 additional votes we did not have two years ago. That is a victory worth celebrating in and of itself.”

Protesters Vandalize Chick-Fil-A in Los Angeles


Right, those “tolerant”leftists are law-abiding…just like those Tea Partiers!

From the Missouri GOP: Akin: Our Senate’s Future

A letter from Missouri’s GOP:


The primary is looming near and there is so much at stake. Looking at the Supreme Court decision, the economy, our schools, and the not so gradual shift from American values, I am deeply concerned.

There is not one single race or simply one candidate that can fix these problems. However, we must pick the right candidates who will fight for us on these issues.

Obamacare will not really go away just by a repeal. The President has planned for that. Too many Czars and lawmaking by decree will make truly killing this difficult. It is not going to be easy or simple.

After prayerful consideration I have reached one clear conclusion. The US Senate race is second in importance only to the Presidency. While there are three Republican candidates of good character, only one has the proven experience, only one has had the courage to stand against the leaders in his party when necessary, and only one has been steadfast in fighting for our American values: Congressman Todd Akin.

Our nation is teetering on the edge of the cliff. The slippery slope has become a violent avalanche. Too much hangs in the balance to put even a talented rookie on the field. Make no mistake; this is the equivalent to the World Series, it is the ninth inning, and we are at bat. We cannot put inexperiance in that position. ” We the people” are the coach. Who are we going to put in the game? Now is not the time to take risks; to gamble that a rookie will make the right play. Todd Akin is the biggest bat we have to put on the field. We need a proven hitter; we need Todd Akin.

Please consider this when you vote on August 7th. Vote for Todd Akin for US Senate. You must vote in this primary; it is so very important. Join me in supporting Todd Akin. I am asking you for your support of Todd Akin and to forward this email, with your personal endorsement of Todd, to your personal lists. We must spread the word and get people to vote! The future of our country hangs in the balance.

Thank You,

Chris Howard Republican State Committeeman

MOCD1: The Great Debate(s)


Tomorrow, July 24, The League of Women Voters is slated as holding a debate for the two candidates in the GOP Primary Race in Missouri’s First Congressional District: Martin Baker and Robyn Hamlin. The event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-St Louis Airport, Bridgeton, MO from 7-8:30pm.

Over the past few weeks, we have sat and watched a nasty smear campaign orchestrated by Hamlin’s camp against Baker. One that have left most of us wondering: 1. Will she even show up at the event, and 2. If she does, why?

Why do we ask “why”? Well, it seems as though Mrs Hamlin is quite a bit confused as to where she actually even fits in to the political system. Before announcing her candidacy, Hamlin posted a poll on her Facebook page asking readers to vote on what party she should run under:


Now, before we go any further, one must ask this: If you are not a Republican, why on earth would you run as one? Is it because you do not think your platform is not strong enough to run independently? Is it because you are ashamed of your Libertarian roots? Is it because “well, if Ron Paul can do it, so can I”? Whatever the answer, it’s weak at best. So weak, it looks like Hamlin is just running to see herself run.

Last week, Hamlin released a statement touting the campaign’s hiring of the firm Liberty Torch Consulting Group, a Libertarian front group. The announcement goes on to read:

Hamlin For Congress is now working with Liberty Torch Political Consulting, LLC. They are bringing in some of the biggest names in the Republican movement, from David Adams (who managed Rand Paul’s successful Senate campaign) to Jonathan Bydlak (who oversaw Ron Paul’s record breaking 2008 fundraising operation) to Dave Nalle (national chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus) to Christopher Hamilton (who designs ads and commercials for such clients as McDonalds, Sprint, and Coca Cola).

Apparently this new firm is also well versed in writing run-on sentences, as can be seen here. In their first press release for the Hamlin Campaign, Hamlin complains she is ignored by Missouri’s GOP.

…um, they are probably ignoring you because you are not a Republican. Enough said on that.

Additionally, Robyn claims to be a Tea Party candidate, and one that “listens to you”…however, aside from signing the STLTPC Tea Party Treaty during her last campaign run, noted area leaders within the movement can not name an example where they can recall Hamlin taking to the streets in a single Tea Party issue, here in St Louis.

So, we are left with the remaining questions:

Will Hamlin show at the League of Women Voters’ Debate on July 24?

Will Hamlin bow out of the GOP Race and run on the Libertarian ballot as she should?

Will Hamlin answer to the smear campaign against Baker?

Will the GOP get behind the only Republican in this race (as they should)?

Most importantly, what do you think about this?

UPDATE: Due to Hamlin’s repeated lack of response to the evnt, Missouri’s League of Women Voters have cancelled the debate. Baker’s Campaign has retained the venue and will be hosting a public meet and greet with the Candidate and staffers.

Hamlin Smear Campaign Smear Against Baker, Take 2

Apparently, Robyn Hamlin’s attempted smear campaign on Martin Baker in Missouri’s 1st Congressional District is a take two of her last attempt.

Martin Baker’s ex-wife, Channel, spoke openly in an interview today about Hamlin’s claims that Baker was a dead-beat-dad who was burdened by legal word regarding child support for their children. She stated that the claims were completely untrue, and that she does, in fact, receive monthly child support payments.

Thus revelation shed light on the fact that it was not his ex-wife, but Baker himself who initiated court proceedings to assure that his children were in fact receiving all they needed…

But this isn’t the first time Hamlin has attempted to smear Baker, only to have it fly back in her face. In 2010, Hamlin accused Baker of defaulting on payments to his landlord. What actually happened? Baker had moved out of the property ahead of schedule and had to work out payments to the property owner. At question was whether the remaining rent was to come out of Baker’s security deposit, or if the deposit would be returned in full and he would issue remaining contracted payments on the due dates.

This issue was settled between Baker and his former landlord.

Man, it just seems a guy can’t catch a break for being honest and doing the right thing. Thank goodness for new media, and our ability to clear things up!

Watch “How’s That Hope & Change Workin’ Out For You? | Barack Obama (ft. Ronald Reagan)” #GGISTL


National PAC Responds to Gateway Grassroots Endorsement Concerns

National PAC Responds to Gateway Grassroots Endorsement Concerns

Posted on March 29, 2012 by JenELeave a comment | Edit

Last week, Gateway Grassroots Initiative (GGI) issued a press releaseconcerning a National PAC endorsement of a Missouri Senatorial Candidate.  On March 22, 2012, Tea Party Express announced their endorsement of candidate Sarah Steelman for Senate, and presented her with a check for $2,500 in Kirkwood, Missouri, a western suburb of St. Louis.  GGI immediately voiced their concerns over the top-down nature of the endorsement by a National Pac, and at least 18 other independent Tea Party organizations across the state followed suit.

The issue in question was not the candidate chosen for endorsement, but rather the fact that not a single leader of any Tea Party organization in Missouri had been contacted prior to the endorsement. . .leaving many to feel frustrated that this may not have been an accurate representation of the political pulse reflected by the “boots on the ground”.  Additionally, the endorsement seemed quite a bit premature, as filing had not closed for the 2012 Election.

One week later, Freedomworks launched a mass-email campaign which garners the appearance of a National PAC reaching out to local grassroots activists for their feedback in the same Senate race, before making thier final decision for endorsement:

From: “Max Pappas – FreedomWorks” <>

Date: Mar 29, 2012 10:39 AM

Subject: Who do you support in the Missouri Senate race?

We’re being encouraged by our members and allies all across Missouri to make an endorsement for the Senate race and help them make a difference. We’re glad to, but we need to hear from you before we make this big decision.

I’m writing to ask you to please reply with answers to two important questions:

1. Who do you like for the U.S. Senate in Missouri and why?

2. And who do you not like for the U.S. Senate in Missouri and why?

I look forward to your reply to this email. As with our philosophy on government and markets, we believe those closest to the action know best and that’s you.

Thank you for your input.

Yours in Liberty,


Max Pappas
Executive Director
FreedomWorks PAC

Paid for by FreedomWorks PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s
committee. Contributions to FreedomWorks PAC are not tax-deductible
for federal income tax purposes.

While GGI is encouraged by this survey of local citizens, what remains to be seen is the transparency of results by Freedomworks before the National PAC makes their final decision for endorsement.  This gives residents the opportunity to have their voice heard, instead of simply having a national organization from another state define who their candidate will be.

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