Akin Resurges in St Louis County

Days after Todd Akin’s gaffe-gone-viral, where he referred to what progressive “comedian” Whoopi Goldberg coined as “rape-rape” as “legitimate rape” (meaning that it actually happened…not that it was justified as acceptable), it seems the spin has gone too far and backfired.


Grassroots leaders on the ground in Missouri are reporting inboxes flooded, and phones ringing non-stop in a newly reaffirmed support for the Congressman’s Senatorial campaign.

It seems that cooler heads are prevailing, now that the knee-jerk reaction toward Akin’s remarks have been slept upon. Akin still leads Claire McCaskill in the Senate race, even after yesterday’s national uproar by the GOP Establishment.

While supporters in both John Brunner’s and Sarah Steelman’s camp gnared their teeth at the opportunity to snag the seat, should Akin vacate, those dreams were quickly dashed by the time they finally finished reading through Missouri’s Sore Loser Law.

Supporters are holding out hope for the Akin Campaign’s promise to stay in the race until the last vote is counted on November 6, many of them eagerly organizing to obtain additional yardsigns to display as soon as possible.

It is clear that the people voted, and Akin’s primary win should be upheld. It is also clear that the Missouri Establishment GOP was quick to stand next to the progressive extremists in throwing Akin under the bus, over and over again. If you ask me, I would want a man of such resilience in the Senate. It’s one out of 100, folks…and nobody in their right mind will be swayed by this enough to vote for McCaskill over Akin in November.

Everybody, take a deep breath… Ahhhhhh!

5 Responses to “Akin Resurges in St Louis County”

  1. 1 cvs August 21, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    I hope he will stay in. Some in the GOP are shameless!!!! Some could not even step into his shoes who are calling for him to resign!!! Did he kill someone???? Some in the GOP are even siding with Obama against Akin boy it that does not tell them they are out of bounds here. If they should be calling on anyone to resign it should be Obama!!! This will backfire on the GOP big time!!!!

  2. 2 blondiejoe August 21, 2012 at 2:42 pm


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    On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Cry Liberty

  3. 3 Laurice Cox August 21, 2012 at 3:50 pm

    These type of shennanigans will continue as long as we don’t stand up and scream, “Enough!” We do not want to be told who the “presumptive nominee” is! We don’t want to be dictated to as to who to vote for! We want all Republican candidates treated fairly and given the same advantages and not roadblocked! We do not want to be manipulated or frightened into voting for the candidate that the “powers that be” tell us to! We need to insist that the Republican Party play fair and let our vote mean something again!

  4. 4 Jus Wing It August 21, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    wow…truth can still win the day…Todd, blessings on you…I knew nothing of this hoopla till I heard the news on Monday while sitting in the car…I heard Todd Akin & turned it up to hear what was being said…my heart sank…but this is wonderful news…stay grounded sir…even tho I no longer live in MO, I will pray for you to continue in the way God would have you go…

  5. 5 Katherine L. Powell September 18, 2012 at 6:56 am

    Hm…Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing the article. Was a bunch of helpful and acute info for me today.

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