Posts Tagged 'media bias'

Because the Economy is Just Fine!

From an old friend, Eric Allie:


Let’s stay focused on the issues!

The Political Execution of Todd Akin

As I have come under heavy fire over the past few days for my comment “If you participated in throwing Akin under the bus, you are a PROGRESSIVE”, I have gained even more backing…and it is starting to line up.

True, maybe “progressive” was too strong a word. Fine, I will restate: If you participated in throwing Todd Akin under the bus, you resorted to progressive tactics.” There, does that make anyone feel any better…or do you have now have remorse for the knee-jerk reaction to resorting to such Alinsky tactics?

It seems I’m not alone and the numbers are growing. This, from American Vision:

We expect leftists, liberals, and other miscreants to pounce opportunistically, to lie, cheat, and twist (all the while drooling) over a phrase like “legitimate rape” when uttered by a strong conservative Christian politician. But should we expect the same from alleged conservatives?

Yet this is exactly what we’ve seen from several prominent conservatives in the wake of a media gaffe from U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin (R-MO) in regard to alleged “legitimate rape” and abortion.

What could have been quickly and easily handled with a consolidated response correctly interpreting Akin’s unfortunate phrase was instead a rare cause of bipartisan hazing.

It’s an old and reliable political reality: liberals care for even the criminals in their midst, while conservatives shoot their wounded. So, for example, Joe Biden can put all three of his left feet in his mouth twice a week and the media performs damage control (and perhaps leash training as well). The Right can scream and howl but the matter gets buried in no time. And thus, the male-prostitute hiring Barney Franks of this world retire from Congress as alleged civil rights heroes.

Meanwhile, let a conservative utter an awkward phrase, and it’s ready, aim, fire—not only from the leftist media, but from alleged conservatives like Ann Coulter, Scott Brown, the Romney-Ryan campaign, and the RNC itself. “We’re not associated with him!”

And in this case, the volley of verbal bullets came with disproportionate verve. It’s almost like the GOP establishment is more than eager to get rid of the most conservative tea-party types among them. (This is not to endorse Akin myself. I find his views on foreign policy and unlimited military-empire spending far less than biblical.)

Fact is, Todd Akin has always been the anti-Establishment, tea party favorite. He has stood up against the liberal machine, the biased MSM and the GOP Establishment…all of which threw him under the bus, then picked him up and threw him right back under again…and again..and again…and the man STILL got back up. I don’t know about you, but that is resilience in my book. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a few of those among the 100 Senators serving America?

Truly a David v Goliath.

But here is where the rest of you are missing the point…none of this changes the man’s record. None of this warrants the character assasination mounted against him and his family. And none of this changes the fact that he is the candidate.

So, are you going to continue to bow to leftist tactics, or are you going to get the most dangerous, sly, and progressive Senators the heck out of Missouri? It is Claire or Todd. You pick.

Amazing Grace: Patrons, Protesters, and the Christ-like Manager

I couldn’t help it. Despite the fact that protesters for the GLADD sponsored Chick-Fil-A “kiss-in” was not due to start until 7pm CST, I was craving a chicken salad sandwich…so I got there at about 5:30.
As I was met by one friendly, familiar face after another, I quickly grabbed the largest table in the establishment with the best vantage point. One, by one, patriots arrived at the Des Peres, Missouri Chick-Fil-A. We noshed, talked about homeschooling, and laughed quite a bit. I certainly hope nobody thought I was being rude as my gaze often wandered away from our conversations, as I was constantly canvassing the area. I kept a mindful eye out for anything that was out of the ordinary…and there was.
Meet Franscesco, manager.


The eatery was at maximum capacity, and this man was on the move! He was dutifully juggling overseeing order-taking, checking on seated customers to assure meal quality, and keeping tabs on what was about to unfold outside.
Shortly before 7pm, one media outlet, local KMOV, set up camp on the sidewalk, just feet away from the Chick-Fil-A sign on a very busy Manchester Road…quickly followed by a second camera man with affiliate KPLR…who, incidentally, had quickly finished his Chick-Fil-A dinner before scurrying out to cover, well, nothing.
Lo and behold, a single protester showed, and stood near the street holding a sign which read “Chick-fil-a sells hate!” Congressional Candidate Martin Baker quickly brought out some icewater for the girl amid concern of dehydration under the oppressive heat St Louis has been under for months. With a simple “God Bless you!” Baker left her to her protesting, and she was joined by two other women shortly there after.
I’m the mean time, Franscesco continued on with his managerial duties, rushing orders out and refilling customers’ drinks…then he disappeared. The establishment was still at maximum capacity and traffic flowed steadily when the manager reappeared with several bags of food and a caddy full of cups.
Franscesco walk past our gathering and outside to the protesters, bringing each of them a full meal, free of charge. This man had been hauling butt for nearly two hours straight by now, and I could only imagine how nerve-wracking it had to be knowing that he could have an unpleasant situation on his hands at any moment.
As he re-entered the building, I asked permission to take his picture. He told me he would have to talk to the owner, and ducked out again quickly to ask his boss for approval.
As Franscesco returned, I snapped a couple of shots with my camera, and we became a bit chatty, talking about the record-setting Appreciation Day that was largely ignored by the media, versus the now, all but bust, counter protest.
“We brought in extra food for them” he stated, in anticipation of anything from zip to hundreds of protesters. “We want them to understand that we serve everybody.”
Chick-Fil-A came under a whirl-wind of cortroversy when Founder D. Truett Cathy spoke openly in support of traditional Biblical marriage. *Note, he did not speak out against samensex marriage as spun by the media…that same media whose bias drove a “controversy” which flew right back in their face when thousands upon thousands of supporters of both traditional marriage, and the First Amendment flocked to Chick-Fil-As nation-wide on Wednesday, August 1. This marked the single largest 24 hour buycott in our nation’s history.
With that, we exchanged “God Bless you” and he was busily back off to work.
For the record, Chick-Fil-A was at maximum capacity the entire time. Customers enjoyed their meals, and conversations with strangers, turned new-found-friends, and the media stayed far from the restaurant, never entering the building to grant an objective report…as we all know, their bias just won’t let them.
In the end, good food, good people, and a man who showed extreme grace under pressure…with a kind gesture Jesus would approve of.
This man deserves a hug.

…now, tell me about the hate again?

Anti-ChikFilA Protest Draws Crowd of Three | The Dana Show

More to come on last night’s Chick-Fil-A protest…a lighter side and inspiring tale amid all of the controversy. Until then, last night’s score card and the disgusting display of media bias, courtesy Dana Loesch Radio Show.

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