Posts Tagged 'election'

The Undecided Voter…

…you no longer exisist. This is not a popularity contest! If nothing else, you are uncommitted. My question to you is “Why”?
Trust me, I’ve been there when my heart and my mind were at odds…millions of times. That’s what makes us human. It does.
However less than 24 hours from America flocking en masse to the polls, do you really not know who you are going to vote for? Probably not…you just don’t want to say it…and that is okay, our votes are between us and the ballot boxes. Period.
I’m not saying either candidate is perfect.
I am saying, they are SO different, “undecided” doesn’t cut it anymore. image

Let’s first get down to the nitty-gritty: Benghazi (or Libya as many refer to the situation)… The Presidential phone–the phone to the Commander-and-Chief of the United States Military rang, and rang, and rang. Those who answered directly to CICOUSM had ZERO response. The phone went unanswered. Americans died, as a result. The first question you have to ask “Is THIS the way the President of the United States, Commander-In-Chief of the US Military should conduct himself?”

For the Christians out there, even the liberal ones, you know where God stands on issues. So, really, it’s off your shoulders to vote according to the Lord’s Word and you can keep the fact that you honor God above all other leadership to yourself, if say, you are about to have angry union thugs turn your card over. It’s none of their business.
If this is your first inquiry here, please disregard all that I mentioned about the book of Jeremiah…because it takes weeks to understand in regards to this election, and we are out of time…noteworthy, chronologically, it’s hard to follow. What Jeremiah does point to is cultural, spiritual and economic collapse.
If you are not a Christian, that’s cool, we love you too. And to you,  everything that Christians may say sounds totally stupid. I get that too. But how more stupid is it without any type of faith to resort to genocide?
How more freeing a notion than to put the weight of the world on someone else’s shoulders…to feed the poor, to birth the unwanted, to heal the sick? You are hereby released of such responsibility.
We only ask, in return, you support the lives out there today…day in, day out, simply trying to live…whether they be military, elderly, a patient in ICU with massive damages, babies sucking their thumb with a heart-beat in utero, children innocently sitting in a movie theatre with friends…

You don’t NEED to play God. Just don’t let others as well!

If beyond this, you are undecided, I pray for you. That you would find courage to make the correct decision. Think of the lives lost. The irresponsibility in measures by the Obama Administration that, God forbid, if a yourself or a loved-one were unfortunately placed in position would result indeath, that it be the decision of the loved ones, not a distant governmental entity. That is at stake…more now than ever.
Before you vote: Where we be in 2016?

Claire McCaskill Slings Burgers, Mocks Constituents-Unemployed-Economy


Senatorial Incumebent Claire McCaskill made a stop in Rolla, Missouri (pronounced “Mis-our-ree”, not “Mis-our-UH”, Senator) where ago donned an apron and slung burgers. According to  Rolla Daily Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill donned a waitressing apron, dishing out hamburgers and pizza to a small crowd of about 40.
Claiming that she supports federal government interference in student loans, McCaskill mocked college graduates by partaking in the only jobs graduates and unemployed can find.
Apparently, McCaskill found it cutely symbolic to engage in a job clearly below her standards.  Mocking her Missouri constituents is hardly what a country that is hurting in the Second Great Depression. Somehow, McCaskill, who sided up with President Obama in voting in the largest job-killing legislation in history, believes this is fitting behavior for a seated Senator.
As constituents feel the agonizing tightening wrenches of record high cost if living: food, gas, textiles, taxes, and supplementing childrens’ public education out of pocket, her “symbolic gesture” is flat-out insulting. Many Missourians are turning to the only jobs left in this economy…menial work. These jobs are not below those who take them, but for many, it is strickly means for survival, a desperate act in a dying economy. If you are not a Senator who pocketed $40 MILLION in stimulus money as McCaskill did, you just gotta do what you gotta do to put bread in the table. The only thing beneath these struggling people of Missouri is jumping on the entitlement bandwagon.
Come November 6, constituents have two choices: their jobs, or McCaskill’s.

The Divine is Over Akin’s Bid For Senate

Just about when you’re ready to give up on the crazy people in this country, something like this happens, helps you remember God is in charge of little details:

Twitter accounts to follow for more: @toddakin @praying4akin @patriotsforakin @momsforakin

McCaskill Turns Boogeyman: Flips Stance on Coal

Remember in November: McCaskill’s stance on coal…no matter how she and the mainstream media try to spin it!
From The Gateway Pundit:

Awful… McCaskill Votes for Expensive New Coal Regulations But Denies It on Her Website June 20th, 2012 by Jim Hoft In case we needed further proof that Claire McCaskill’s rhetoric doesn’t match her record… This morning, Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) voted with her party to implement the EPA’s MACT rule, one of the costliest regulations in U.S. history—and one that will prove especially devastating to coal-dependent states such as Missouri. The measure voted on today would have overturned regulations that coal industry groups have said will hurt the economy, close power plant doors and raise electricity costs. McCaskill voted for the costly new regulations. Apparently her campaign didn’t get the memo. Here’s a screen grab from her site’s “Energy” issue page:

It’s bad enough that Claire voted for expensive new regulations that will force Missouri electricity prices to skyrocket… It’s worse that she’s not honest about it.


Akin Raises $1 MIL Online

This letter was just sent by Congressman Todd Akin who is now running for the Missouri Senate.
Regardless of the recent controversy, you have a choice: a 6 second gaffe, or (another) 6 year term for McCaskill? What matters more?

Stand with Todd Akin to defeat Claire! Click here to donate now. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

Friends, we did it! We have now officially passed the $1 million mark in online fundraising, and it’s all because of YOU!

That’s obviously good news. The bad news is that Claire McCaskill is continuing to outspend us substantially across Missouri on television ads.

She may have the money, but we have the numbers…thousands of people have stepped up to the plate in support of our campaign, and we’ll continue to need your help in these critical last few week.

We know how important it is to keep Claire McCaskill out of the Senate. Whether its been personally enriching herself on the stimulus or casting the deciding vote in favor of Obamacare, she has been a disaster for Missouri and for our nation.

Please, continue your support, and encourage your friends and neighbors to get involved as well. You can do so here.

Forward this to a friend with the link above, and ask them to sign up today!



Forward to a Friend

Copyright © 2012 Todd

Now, we only have prayer, our pocketbooks and our voice at the ballot to make this happen.
Does the tea party still have a voice? If so, we need to show the strength we have to put our priciples behind Akin. Be heard! Be loud! Stand strong!

Thought From the Highway: McCaskill’s Incompetency

From our friends at Thoughts from the Highway, a letter from Missouri to it’s constituents:

By now people are certainly familiar with Missouri Congressman Todd Akin. Missourians have known him for years and those on the national scene most likely know him for his run in Missouri Senate against Claire McCaskill and as of late his Aug 19th 2012 “legitimate rape” comment on a local TV show. A comment that some may understandably find offensive yet also a comment for those that truly know Todd Akin would easily have been explained that the man did not mean the words as they were said and how they were heard.

Todd Akin is a well known respected Christian conservative in Missouri. Those that know him in Washington D.C. surely know this to be true as well although many have bailed on him for suspect reasons in my opinion. I’m not going to go into the depths of Todd’s mind or into an analysis of what he may have meant to say. I do know he has a deep respect for life and all Americans and this country’s values are first and foremost on his mind and in his campaign.

Todd Akin wears his beliefs on his sleeve and is an easy target for the left to attempt to shine a light of crazy on. If conservative values and being unshakable in defending innocent life and being Christian makes him crazy? Send me my crazy card please and Next Day Air ASAP. Is a candidate that speaks the truth openly in fiscal responsibility in government not what we want? Is voicing honesty in Christian values and the 1st Amendment not what we want? Misspeaking is a daily event with politicians or anyone in the spotlight. (See Joe Biden) See any variety of Hollywood type. We see it. Yet in today’s society in our media and in an ever present anti-Christian narrative and vibe, Todd is an easy target. A target he has taken on his entire career. It’s not what Todd says or even how he misspoke, it’s Todd the political threat they attack. The conservative values they abhor ”That whacky extreme Conservative Christian Akin” …his staunch conservative voting record. The mainstream media is asking for apologies daily today on anything and everything. Todd made his. He was sincere in saying it.

During the few weeks moving forward from his Aug 19th comment the local media in Missouri. Namely, the St.Louis Post Dispatch have been steadily investigating and gleefully reporting on various comments that Akin has made in the past and painting him as a radical and extremist. Claire McCaskill is running not touting her record because she can’t (like Obama) but rather putting out info in the ads that are half truths and quite frankly just lies. Yet I see no reporting or investigating of Claire’s checkered past and a long sketchy at best past it certainly is. A questioning of values is at hand folks.

Article on Claire 2006

Claire can’t run on Missouri jobs or its economy because it’s suffering yet she’s busy telling Americans “I hate coal” While she rubber stamps Obama’s dream of green and the over regulation of coal plants, a HUGE source of Missouri energy and jobs. An industry entangled with other key industries. Railroads. Union Pacific & Burlington Northern Sante Fe. Barges and riverfront coal industries as well. Those two railroads are Union jobs as well as the barge workers. Does Claire know that these industries can’t haul wind and solar power? Does she care what affect her votes and intentions are having and will have?

Claire says “I hate coal” ? She is right in line with Obama’s comments about “bankrupting the coal industry” and that’s exactly what will happen in Missouri. Our energy bills will skyrocket because of it. This is not by accident folks. This is Claire following lockstep with the Obama’s energy policy that Mitt Romney destroyed in last night’s debate. “Picking losers” I.E. Solyndra. Destroying key and crucial elements of the American heartland’s life blood without a viable affordable energy to even replace it. The Green Dream. At this point that’s exactly what it is..a dream. Claire stepped in a big pile of “Obama think” and has nothing to run on except to call Akin “extreme” You tell me what is truly extreme.

With the local media digging up something and anything nearly daily on Akin and with little to no defense. Twisting of his words, omitting others etc. The charge has had to be and has been taken on by local grassroots largely and others. Dana Loesch has an excellent write- up on what on Claire McCaskill and what is “truly extreme” about Claire herself on her site. We are doing all we can in Missouri to win this Senate seat and this race is very easily winnable and we are asking for your help and your input as well. The Senate is of crucial importance to our country and Claire McCaskill as of today only has a 6pt lead over Akin. Some of the GOP and PACS have come to help, but with every little dollar of support or a show of support means everything.

I ask those in other states that hear the likes of a Chris Christie or other politicians like him that say that they wouldn’t vote for Akin to know that they do the party nor the cause any good without knowing the inside local fight we have been fighting in Missouri. It’s time to stop the covering of asses and it’s time to win this seat and turn the Senate red. Self gratifying soapbox comments and media appeasing does not help Missouri Republicans and/or conservatives. It doesn’t help America period. Political correctness has no place in truth. Truth is we can win this race. Truth is Claire McCaskill has a horrid record and truth is… we need your support to send her packing and to help bring a true conservative to the Senate.

Why would one let a leftist media narrative sway one from what is obvious? Once you look at the sources of the misleading leftist narrative and agenda? It’s clear. Please don’t fall into that cess pool, that sand trap. It’s hard to get out of once you do fall. Don’t be played and swayed by frothing media lib types but rather please take a look at the big picture. The big picture is winning the White House and winning this ever so important Senate. Every seat count. Please don’t allow another empty chair like Claire. We can win here It can be done in Missouri. Now or never. Make your choice.

Claire McCaskill Says Conservatives Are ‘Dangerous,’ ‘Outside of Mainstream’

I am extreme, yes, I am extremely dedicated to God and our Constitution. I am extremely dedicated to my family and my children’s future. And I am extremely dedicated to Todd Akin’s Senatorial bid. He is our one and only shot at getting the Obamacare-loving, job-killing, fund-abusing Claire McCaskill out of office…and she knows it! Dana Loesch could not have summed it up any better: Make no mistake, this is perhaps, the most crucial race in the nation, second only to the Presidency.

Missouri’s First Congressional District: Robin Hamlin’s New Ad

Just in, Robin Hamlin’s new ad:

Sorry, wrong video. Robin Hamlin’s new ad:

From the Missouri GOP: Akin: Our Senate’s Future

A letter from Missouri’s GOP:


The primary is looming near and there is so much at stake. Looking at the Supreme Court decision, the economy, our schools, and the not so gradual shift from American values, I am deeply concerned.

There is not one single race or simply one candidate that can fix these problems. However, we must pick the right candidates who will fight for us on these issues.

Obamacare will not really go away just by a repeal. The President has planned for that. Too many Czars and lawmaking by decree will make truly killing this difficult. It is not going to be easy or simple.

After prayerful consideration I have reached one clear conclusion. The US Senate race is second in importance only to the Presidency. While there are three Republican candidates of good character, only one has the proven experience, only one has had the courage to stand against the leaders in his party when necessary, and only one has been steadfast in fighting for our American values: Congressman Todd Akin.

Our nation is teetering on the edge of the cliff. The slippery slope has become a violent avalanche. Too much hangs in the balance to put even a talented rookie on the field. Make no mistake; this is the equivalent to the World Series, it is the ninth inning, and we are at bat. We cannot put inexperiance in that position. ” We the people” are the coach. Who are we going to put in the game? Now is not the time to take risks; to gamble that a rookie will make the right play. Todd Akin is the biggest bat we have to put on the field. We need a proven hitter; we need Todd Akin.

Please consider this when you vote on August 7th. Vote for Todd Akin for US Senate. You must vote in this primary; it is so very important. Join me in supporting Todd Akin. I am asking you for your support of Todd Akin and to forward this email, with your personal endorsement of Todd, to your personal lists. We must spread the word and get people to vote! The future of our country hangs in the balance.

Thank You,

Chris Howard Republican State Committeeman

For Sale: Your Vote in 2012


Come one, come all, to Tue entitlement mentality! THIS is what buying votes looks like…and if you think otherwise, you are an idiot!

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