Posts Tagged 'Primary'

Missouri’s First Congressional District: Robin Hamlin’s New Ad

Just in, Robin Hamlin’s new ad:

Sorry, wrong video. Robin Hamlin’s new ad:

UPDATED: Hamlin: Censorship Aspires for Congressional Seat

It seems that Robyn Hamlin, the Libertarian running as a Republican in the First Congressional District of Missouri, has a bit of a hypocrisy problem.

On June 24, at the annual St Louis GOP picnic, Hamlin was approached by Tony Laszacs and questioned as to why she had not yet responded to the invitation to debate Martin Baker, her primary opponent, at an event to be held on July 24 sponsored by the League of Women voters. Hamlin subsequently posted a picture of that interaction on her campaign’s Facebook page.

Grassroots activist Jen Ennenbach had made a statement as to the context of the photograph several times in the comments section of the pic.


So, I guess seeing as how you have taken my comment down 3 times now, I guess you DON’T want your constituents to know that this really IS Tony inviting you to tonight’s debate. So much for honesty and transparency.


Each time, Hamlin removed the comments from her campaign page, in an attempt to cover up her cowardly refusal to even acknowledge her request to debate by both her opponent, and the LWV. CryLiberty was sent screenshots of Hamlin’s campaign page verifying this…along with a message from the source.


You deleted yet another comment on your page? Are you kidding me? Ron Paul would be ashamed of you, Republicans should be ashamed of you, and Libertarians should be ashamed of you. Every single citizen that supports Liberty, freedom and people voice being heard should be ashamed of you. You are scared of free speech, you are scared of people disagreeing with you, and you’re scared of the truth being told. I am disgusted! People want more freedom…and “a representative that listens to them”?….You just proved it isn’t you!!!



Despite Hamlin’s refusal to respond to the debate, which caused the LWV to cancel the event, Baker retained the venue and held a candidate meet-and-greet in lieu of the debate.

“It is so disturbing to me that someone would actually run for an elected office, but not even make themselves available to the voters. If this is the way she treats constituents before an election, I can’t imagine how she would treat us if she was actually elected.” Stated one attendee who came to the event to learn more about the candidates. She added, “It’s like Claire McCaskill all over again. So disappointing, but I’m still glad I’m here.”

It looks as though Hamlin will continue to marginalize herself in the less than two weeks left until the primary election on August 7. In the past month, Hamlin has been peppered by accusations of running a dirty campaign against her opponent, as well as the call to question her “Republican” status.

The self-proclaimed Libertarian continues to attempt to align herself with the St Louis Republican Party, yet claims that the GOP has completely ignored her campaign, according to her campaign’s website. However, as evidenced by her practice of censorship, it is apparent that she can no longer align herself with “libertarian” principles either.

Meanwhile, Baker presented his platform, “Baker’s Dozen”, to an animated crowd, giving voters what they so dutifully seek…information.

MOCD1: The Great Debate(s)


Tomorrow, July 24, The League of Women Voters is slated as holding a debate for the two candidates in the GOP Primary Race in Missouri’s First Congressional District: Martin Baker and Robyn Hamlin. The event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-St Louis Airport, Bridgeton, MO from 7-8:30pm.

Over the past few weeks, we have sat and watched a nasty smear campaign orchestrated by Hamlin’s camp against Baker. One that have left most of us wondering: 1. Will she even show up at the event, and 2. If she does, why?

Why do we ask “why”? Well, it seems as though Mrs Hamlin is quite a bit confused as to where she actually even fits in to the political system. Before announcing her candidacy, Hamlin posted a poll on her Facebook page asking readers to vote on what party she should run under:


Now, before we go any further, one must ask this: If you are not a Republican, why on earth would you run as one? Is it because you do not think your platform is not strong enough to run independently? Is it because you are ashamed of your Libertarian roots? Is it because “well, if Ron Paul can do it, so can I”? Whatever the answer, it’s weak at best. So weak, it looks like Hamlin is just running to see herself run.

Last week, Hamlin released a statement touting the campaign’s hiring of the firm Liberty Torch Consulting Group, a Libertarian front group. The announcement goes on to read:

Hamlin For Congress is now working with Liberty Torch Political Consulting, LLC. They are bringing in some of the biggest names in the Republican movement, from David Adams (who managed Rand Paul’s successful Senate campaign) to Jonathan Bydlak (who oversaw Ron Paul’s record breaking 2008 fundraising operation) to Dave Nalle (national chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus) to Christopher Hamilton (who designs ads and commercials for such clients as McDonalds, Sprint, and Coca Cola).

Apparently this new firm is also well versed in writing run-on sentences, as can be seen here. In their first press release for the Hamlin Campaign, Hamlin complains she is ignored by Missouri’s GOP.

…um, they are probably ignoring you because you are not a Republican. Enough said on that.

Additionally, Robyn claims to be a Tea Party candidate, and one that “listens to you”…however, aside from signing the STLTPC Tea Party Treaty during her last campaign run, noted area leaders within the movement can not name an example where they can recall Hamlin taking to the streets in a single Tea Party issue, here in St Louis.

So, we are left with the remaining questions:

Will Hamlin show at the League of Women Voters’ Debate on July 24?

Will Hamlin bow out of the GOP Race and run on the Libertarian ballot as she should?

Will Hamlin answer to the smear campaign against Baker?

Will the GOP get behind the only Republican in this race (as they should)?

Most importantly, what do you think about this?

UPDATE: Due to Hamlin’s repeated lack of response to the evnt, Missouri’s League of Women Voters have cancelled the debate. Baker’s Campaign has retained the venue and will be hosting a public meet and greet with the Candidate and staffers.

Hamlin’s Image is Less Than Desirable in Public

Here is what popped up in my inbox first thing this morning:

Has anyone in the GOP ever actually met Hamlin?

I’d like to say ‘not to be rude’… but… I’m actually all for being rude when it’s the best way to express what’s true – she looks like a friggin’ bag lady!

She & Martin both came to the After-Party tonight. Martin, as usual, was neat, clean & professional looking; she, looked like a sloppy, unkempt, bag lady.

And sadly, her appearances weren’t only skin deep – she was going around telling everyone how she just contracted ‘big time’ consultants to run her campaign, and I swear, she came off like the neighbor you wish you didn’t have, talking up the killer deal they and they alone had wangled on a high priced plasma TV ‘that you’ll NEVER be able to afford!’.

Martin, on the other hand, was going around the room, talking about the issues, and the debate he was looking forward to participating in.

If you want the GOP to get behind Martin, introduce them to Hamlin!

The Truth Behind John Brunner’s Bid for Senate

Perhaps somebody should ask John Brunner to go on record as to why he is really running against Todd Akin for the Missouri Senate in the first place. In fact, I triple dog dare somebody…if he us going to be perfectly honest, the friend and former largest financial contributor to Akin will tell you that he specifically told Akin that he would no longer support Akin, should Akin NOT vote for TARP.
Akin, who debatably has the most conservative record in the House, voted against TARP, which not only enraged Brunner, but the Establishment as well. The E wants Akin out to punish him for his vote. Enter John Hancock, who needed someone to run…who he knew could be controlled by Danforth dollars. Brunner was a perfect fit. True, Mr GermX does not need the money, rather, something to occupy his time.
Brunner himself said that in the future, he would not support such bailouts..hind-sight is such a novelty, don’t you think? He conveniently omitted the harsh convoy he had with Akin…and a quick look at Akin’s campaign financial records completely backs this up.
So, go ahead…ask Brunner to go on record with this. Doubtful that he would be honest about this though…the truth just isn’t so pretty sometimes.

Hamlin Accepts Debate Challenge, Retracts

Robyn Hamlin, primary candidate for Missouri’s first Congressional seat finally responded to her opponent Martin Baker…but than immediately retracted her response on Facebook.

Baker sent Hamlin an invitation to the event on July 24, sponsored by the League if Women Voters, via certified mail.  Hamlin responded to Baker via telephone that she had finally received the invitation this last Saturday…although time-stamp on the letter has yet to be verified. In the message she left for Baker during that call, she stated that she had another obligation where voters would be present (though she could not provide details as the what or where this event was), and then threatened Baker that she would expose an apparent “warrant for arrest” regarding negligent Child Support…of which was proven to be untrue by Baker’s ex-wife Channel last week. Hamlin also went on to state that Baker had “stiffed several landlords” in the past…also proven to be a blatant lie.

Yesterday, Hamlin apparently accepted the invitation to the debate, but then immediately retracted. Baker staffer David Singleton managed to capture screen shots, as well as the content of an email generated by Hamlin’s Facebook post:


You made your most recent post to this thread on July 16, 2012 at approximately 10:32 PM CST (verified by the email automatically generated when someone replies to a thread). That original post of yours, which has now been subsequently deleted by you and replaced with a different one originally stated:

Hamlin: “Schedule the debate. It will be interesting. I am not playing with personal attacks. Look it up yourself.”

Singleton: So for clarification: did you want the debate scheduled, or have you changed your mind leading you to retract the statement?

Great question David!

As far as “playing with personal attacks”, it is quite unclear if Hamlin understands what she is saying. Dozens of researched articles have popped up in the last week shedding the light of truth upon Hamlin’s failed attempts at mud-slinging. It appears that each attempt flew back in her face only to portray Baker as the upstanding man that he is.

The question that remains is this: does the online retraction of her acceptance to the debate invitation stand, although she retracted it, or was her retraction if the statement a retraction of her attendance? Only time will tell.

Hamlin Gets Dirty, Plays Chicken in MOCD1 Primary.

The GOP Primary Race for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District just got, uh, interesting.

Not too long after Tea Party poster child Martin Baker announced his candidacy, Libertarian Robyn Hamlin posted a survey on her Facebook profile asking others to chime in as to whether or not she should run in the race as well. Despite underwhelming support, Hamlin filed the paperwork to run a primary against Baker.

Not only is Hamlin a Libertarian, not a Republican, running on the GOP ticket, she also stated in her last run that she was “not registered as a Republican” but running on the ticket anyway.

Recently, Missouri’s League of Women Voters offered to sponsor a Primary Debate between the two candidates for MOCD1. Baker immediately accepted the challenge, and invited Hamlin, via certified mail, to do the same, and requested a response within 10 days time. Hamlin did not respond to the invitation.

Baker, again, contacted Hamlin, seeking a response to which Hamlin not only stated that Baker would need thousands of dollars to promote the event, but that the money would be better spent by Baker dealing with his child support legal matters.

When Baker was questioned about legal issues regarding child support for his children, it was revealed that these legal matters were initiated by Baker himself to assure his children were properly financially cared for, and that it was properly noted by the court.

“That is just sad.” Baker’s ex-wife Channel stated in response to Hamlin’s allegations that Baker was somehow defaulting on child support payments for his children. “Nope! I receive full support for our children every month. He is a very responsible father. I would be more than happy to go on the record if I had to about this. You can call me at any time.” She added that she fully supports her ex-husband in his Congressional bid.

Since when do we penalize fathers for doing right by their children? I guess the answer to that is when we allow the lines of truth and reality to be blurred…so let’s clarify: Baker is not a Dead-Beat-Dad, but a responsible father who loves and properly supports his children; Hamlin is not a Republican running as a Republican, but a Libertarian running on a Republican ticket…because she’s to chicken to run as the third-party candidate she is (as far too many of them do), Baker is up to any task at any time to prove his worthiness of this Congressional seat…Robyn is still “not sure if [she] will be available”…for any date, any time, for anything.

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