Posts Tagged 'grassroots'

Congratulations MO1! You Just Screwed Yourself!

It was a slaughtering of epic proportions: Lacy Clay essentially ended the Carnahan family dynasty, according to the RFT:

Yesterday’s Missouri primary resulted in a few surprises. The biggest, perhaps, was Congressman Lacy Clay’s stunning victory over Congressman Russ Carnahan for Missouri’s First Congressional District that includes all of St. Louis and much of the county. Clay garnered 63.2 percent of the vote to Carnahan’s 33.9 percent in the newly redrawn district that had the two Democratic incumbents battling for the same seat.

Disappointing, but not as surprising, was Robyn Hamlin’s victory over Tea Party. CandidatesMartin Baker, also in the Missouri First Congressional District. I say not surprising, because the majority of delegates, and alternate delegates in MO1 are Ron Paul supporters.

It was a long shot, we knew, but we pushed forward anyway. Martin’s campaign was run solely by volunteer tea party patriots, which Baker endearingly referred to as “the best campaign staff money can’t buy”. Had the libertarian Hamlin actually run on the Libertarian ticket, St Louis and MO1 would have had a fighting chance. Sadly, now, they do not.
Hamlin has absolutely no chance in the General Election against Lacy Clay. After her dirty, smear campaign she ran in the primary, including attacking her opponent’s children, she has disenfranchised the grassroots…who are predominantly Christian. Missouri Right to Life will not endorese her, as will most esteemed organizations, as she has no platform… And the GOP will not get behind her because, well, she is not a Republican. She is a Libertarian.
I believe I am being optimistic when I say I believe Hamlin will walk away from the General Election at 16%.
So there you have it, MO1. You voted, and gave yourself Clay. Congrats and enjoy. The rest of us are walking away from the lost cause.

At the very least, showing extreme grace in defeat, Martin D. Baker stated that despite his disappointment in the outcome of the primary race, his campaign achieved what they had set out to do: move the conservative dial in the district “We picked up 2,200 additional votes we did not have two years ago. That is a victory worth celebrating in and of itself.”

UPDATED: Hamlin: Censorship Aspires for Congressional Seat

It seems that Robyn Hamlin, the Libertarian running as a Republican in the First Congressional District of Missouri, has a bit of a hypocrisy problem.

On June 24, at the annual St Louis GOP picnic, Hamlin was approached by Tony Laszacs and questioned as to why she had not yet responded to the invitation to debate Martin Baker, her primary opponent, at an event to be held on July 24 sponsored by the League of Women voters. Hamlin subsequently posted a picture of that interaction on her campaign’s Facebook page.

Grassroots activist Jen Ennenbach had made a statement as to the context of the photograph several times in the comments section of the pic.


So, I guess seeing as how you have taken my comment down 3 times now, I guess you DON’T want your constituents to know that this really IS Tony inviting you to tonight’s debate. So much for honesty and transparency.


Each time, Hamlin removed the comments from her campaign page, in an attempt to cover up her cowardly refusal to even acknowledge her request to debate by both her opponent, and the LWV. CryLiberty was sent screenshots of Hamlin’s campaign page verifying this…along with a message from the source.


You deleted yet another comment on your page? Are you kidding me? Ron Paul would be ashamed of you, Republicans should be ashamed of you, and Libertarians should be ashamed of you. Every single citizen that supports Liberty, freedom and people voice being heard should be ashamed of you. You are scared of free speech, you are scared of people disagreeing with you, and you’re scared of the truth being told. I am disgusted! People want more freedom…and “a representative that listens to them”?….You just proved it isn’t you!!!



Despite Hamlin’s refusal to respond to the debate, which caused the LWV to cancel the event, Baker retained the venue and held a candidate meet-and-greet in lieu of the debate.

“It is so disturbing to me that someone would actually run for an elected office, but not even make themselves available to the voters. If this is the way she treats constituents before an election, I can’t imagine how she would treat us if she was actually elected.” Stated one attendee who came to the event to learn more about the candidates. She added, “It’s like Claire McCaskill all over again. So disappointing, but I’m still glad I’m here.”

It looks as though Hamlin will continue to marginalize herself in the less than two weeks left until the primary election on August 7. In the past month, Hamlin has been peppered by accusations of running a dirty campaign against her opponent, as well as the call to question her “Republican” status.

The self-proclaimed Libertarian continues to attempt to align herself with the St Louis Republican Party, yet claims that the GOP has completely ignored her campaign, according to her campaign’s website. However, as evidenced by her practice of censorship, it is apparent that she can no longer align herself with “libertarian” principles either.

Meanwhile, Baker presented his platform, “Baker’s Dozen”, to an animated crowd, giving voters what they so dutifully seek…information.

National PAC Responds to Gateway Grassroots Endorsement Concerns

National PAC Responds to Gateway Grassroots Endorsement Concerns

Posted on March 29, 2012 by JenELeave a comment | Edit

Last week, Gateway Grassroots Initiative (GGI) issued a press releaseconcerning a National PAC endorsement of a Missouri Senatorial Candidate.  On March 22, 2012, Tea Party Express announced their endorsement of candidate Sarah Steelman for Senate, and presented her with a check for $2,500 in Kirkwood, Missouri, a western suburb of St. Louis.  GGI immediately voiced their concerns over the top-down nature of the endorsement by a National Pac, and at least 18 other independent Tea Party organizations across the state followed suit.

The issue in question was not the candidate chosen for endorsement, but rather the fact that not a single leader of any Tea Party organization in Missouri had been contacted prior to the endorsement. . .leaving many to feel frustrated that this may not have been an accurate representation of the political pulse reflected by the “boots on the ground”.  Additionally, the endorsement seemed quite a bit premature, as filing had not closed for the 2012 Election.

One week later, Freedomworks launched a mass-email campaign which garners the appearance of a National PAC reaching out to local grassroots activists for their feedback in the same Senate race, before making thier final decision for endorsement:

From: “Max Pappas – FreedomWorks” <>

Date: Mar 29, 2012 10:39 AM

Subject: Who do you support in the Missouri Senate race?

We’re being encouraged by our members and allies all across Missouri to make an endorsement for the Senate race and help them make a difference. We’re glad to, but we need to hear from you before we make this big decision.

I’m writing to ask you to please reply with answers to two important questions:

1. Who do you like for the U.S. Senate in Missouri and why?

2. And who do you not like for the U.S. Senate in Missouri and why?

I look forward to your reply to this email. As with our philosophy on government and markets, we believe those closest to the action know best and that’s you.

Thank you for your input.

Yours in Liberty,


Max Pappas
Executive Director
FreedomWorks PAC

Paid for by FreedomWorks PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s
committee. Contributions to FreedomWorks PAC are not tax-deductible
for federal income tax purposes.

While GGI is encouraged by this survey of local citizens, what remains to be seen is the transparency of results by Freedomworks before the National PAC makes their final decision for endorsement.  This gives residents the opportunity to have their voice heard, instead of simply having a national organization from another state define who their candidate will be.



March 22, 2010
Earlier this morning the Tea Party Express arrived in St. Louis and announced an endorsement in the Missouri Senate Republican primary. This was done without consulting or reaching out to local groups to gauge whether or not their endorsement was a wise one. We feel that this was an important and crucial step that the Tea Party Express missed and it has the potential to discredit the organization in the eyes of Missouri voters.
We feel that all politics are local and that grassroots in our area have worked very hard to develop our voice and vetting process for candidates. We are disappointed that a national group such as the Tea Party Express failed to include in their decision-making process the very people that have actually sat down with these candidates and lived under their elected leadership.
Furthermore, while we understand that the Tea Party Express is a PAC and not an organizational group, the endorsement carries the implication of a “tea party candidate,” of which there is no such title. We understand that while the Tea Party Express as a PAC may choose to endorse, groups such as ours explicitly do not, unless in extenuating circumstances, especially in a primary when the official filing is not yet closed, and especially when there is clearly more than one conservative in the primary. It goes against the tea party aesthetic to encourage civic participation locally but then, as a national group, to override the wishes of the local groups who do most of the donating and most of the heavy lifting during an election.
In the future, we hope that the importance and influence of local grassroots groups are not ignored and that the city in which they work to change for the better is acknowledged as more than a backdrop for an endorsement.
The Gateway Grassroots Initiative
Jennifer Ennenbach
Scott Boston
Dana Loesch

I’m Out: St Louis Tea Party Coalition Co-Opt Is No Place For Me!

I’m officially walking away from the St Louis Tea Party Coalition.  Why?  They’ve been co-opted as an arm of the Ed Martin for Missouri 2nd District Congressional Campaign.  Now, I have nothing against Ed Martin. . .in fact, I consider him a friend.  What I do have a problem with is a handful of rogue members of what was once perhaps one of the most hailed Tea Party organizations in the country forcing anyone who wanted to remain neutral in the Primary out of the organization.

Blogger Darin Morley refused to cease pulling hit pieces on Ann Wagner over onto the private organization’s website. . .of which many members were uncomfortable with the negative publicity for any candidate.  In response, Jim Hoft cross-posted an article in defense of contributions Wagner had received on his website, and subsequently on Big J. The Board of the St Louis Tea Party Coalition (which, by the way, none of this got crazy until several members of the organization started asking exactly who the Board actually was, and where a copy of the by-laws were) responded by placing a hit-piece on Jim Hoft.

Additionally, they shut down the Media Liaison’s email domain and confiscated all intellectual property, then claimed that there was “proprietary information” that was shared with a member of Ann Wagner’s campaign, but offered no proof despite several request for a public (undoctored) posting of said “evidence”. Next, Executive Director Michelle Moore sent out an email that “effective immediately” the google group that the core of the STLTPC utilized was indefinitely shut down.  Despite several cried for explanation, none was granted.

For a movement that screams “transparency, transparency, transparency!!!!” I certainly see none here.  I see:  Executive Director who was recently seated to the Board which stroked her ego; an unemployed lawyer, Benjamin Smith Williams (aka Ben Evans), who holds his Bar in New York, not Missouri, but still likes to act as legal counsel here; a loose cannon, John Burns who has been out of the Tea Party movement for over a year; another huge-headed blogger who likes to distort truth and is too chickenshit to put his name to half of what he publishes (Darin Morely); Co-founder Bill Hennessy, standing by silently, but driving this all behind the scenes.

Wow, the kinda people I want to hang with. . .totally.  No thanks.  I’ve got my eye on the prize.  The prize, by the way, would be a socialist-free country.  A country that is, once again, truly free.

Also, as an after-thought, where is Ed Martin in all of this?  Why in the world would he not have said anything about this by now?

Spring Conferences Hotel Information

Planning on attending the Spring Conferences in Jefferson City next month?  You will need a place to stay!

The St Louis Tea Party Coalition had reserved a block of rooms at the Fairfield Inn located at 3621 West Truman Boulevard · Jefferson City, Missouri 65109.  The rooms are reserved under “St Louis Tea Party Coalition” at a negotiated rate of $79 per night.  Simply click on the link above or call 1-573-761-0400 to make your reservations!

The St. Louis Tea Party Coalition has announced a two day spring conference event designed to determine the effectiveness of grassroots organizations on the State Legislature. Bill Hennessy, co-founder of the organization, explains “The Spring Conference will help us take account of our progress since the first tea parties of February 2009, and to determine measurable actions for the next 18 months.”

Hearings will be held from 9 am to 4:15 pm on Friday, June 10 2011 in Jefferson City.  Committees will reconvene on Saturday, June 11, for committee work, report writing on the findings of the hearings, and a general address of overall findings.  The conference will hear closing remarks by a panel of celebrity panelists at 4 pm Saturday, followed by an evening social.

A private banquet is planned for the evening of June 10th.  Tickets for this event will be available next week.  Mark your calendars!


In order to better align with legislative schedules, Conferences have been delayed until the fall of 2011 when the Legislators reconvene for the 2011 Veto Session.
New dates will be posted shortly.

The St. Louis Tea Party Coalition has announced a two day spring conference event designed to determine the effectiveness of grassroots organizations on the State Legislature. Bill Hennessy, co-founder of the organization, explains “The Spring Conference will help us take account of our progress since the first tea parties of February 2009, and to determine measurable actions for the next 18 months.”

Hearings will be held from 9 am to 4:15 pm on Friday, June 10 2011 in Jefferson City.  Committees will reconvene on Saturday, June 11, for committee work, report writing on the findings of the hearings, and a general address of overall findings.  The conference will hear closing remarks by a panel of celebrity panelists at 4 pm Saturday, followed by an evening social.

The eight established  Committees: Legislative, Economics, Commerce, Conservation, Science, Government, Education, and Culture will be questioning Legislators in an open examination of the State of the grassroots movement.  In the process, the organization expects to forge stronger bonds between people and groups from around the state as well as evaluate and elevate the grassroots experience of the past two years, giving the cause greater depth and impact .

The St. Louis Tea Party Coalition is extending an invitation to up to 50 grass-roots organization to co-sponsor this event.  Each sponsoring group will be permitted two delegates to the event.  Delegates will be assigned to a Panel and to a Committee and chosen delegates must be named no later than June 3, one week prior to the conference opening.  Assigned delegates will question witnesses and write committee reports on testimony and future actions.  All sponsorships are designed to help off-set the cost of the event.

Sponsorships include lunch and refreshments on Friday and Saturday.

In addition to group delegates, the Conference can accommodate up to 100 at-large delegates. These individuals will be assigned to panels and committees as space permits. They will receive lunch and refreshments on Friday and Saturday.

The St Louis Tea Party Coalition will also be offering a total of twenty scholarships for attendance to the Conferences, of which, ten are specifically available to students between  15-21 years of age.

For More Information:

Jen Ennenbach:


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